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Bare-bones gedcom

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    Bare-bones gedcom

    I'd like to create a limited GEDCOM from Reunion 12 for uploading to Ancestry, FTDNA, and similar sites. I'd like it to contain only names and birth/death dates of direct ancestors, no photos or other media, no list of sources, no notes or other information. I have no plans to keep it updated. Its sole purpose is to get my direct line before other researchers, especially for DNA purposes. In another thread on 25 Oct. 2018, Katharine Ott described using such a skeleton GEDCOM for the same purpose. Can anyone describe what Reunion options I should select or de-select to create such a GEDCOM? Thanks!

    Hi Donald. What I would do is to export a GEDCOM file and then write a script that can filter out the tags that are not essential to share. I would do this in Python, but there are other script languages that can be equally sufficient. HTH.


      Originally posted by Donald Zochert View Post
      Can anyone describe what Reunion options I should select or de-select to create such a GEDCOM?
      After selecting:

      File -> Export -> GEDCOM...

      Go to the Optional Fields tab. Here you can uncheck fields that you don't want included, e.g. you could include just birth and death events (note: places and memos for the events will be included) and uncheck everything else.

      Then, back under the General tab, uncheck the two options for Include multimedia links and Include sources. Finally, export the GEDCOM.

      I believe that should give the results you describe.

      As for including only direct ancestors, you'll want to use the Mark option in the Navbar at left to mark just those direct ancestors, then select the Marked people option under the General tab.

      I hope that helps,
      Mark Harrison
      Leister Productions, Inc.

