Hi, I am a beginner at Reunion12, I use a Mac computer and have finally finished the family tree enough to share with other family members, none of which have any information.
Obviously they will have to purchase & download Reunion12 -
1. how or what are the steps involved to transfer my family tree information (Gedcom file,photos/links/resource) to their computers, some use a Mac but other family members use a PC. I have a seperate file on my desktop with all the certificates & photo's as well which seem to link to Reunion12.
2. I sense it is more complicated to transfer Gedcom file from my Mac to PC?
Apologies if these questions seem too basic, but for me anyway, it is often the starting point that if done incorrectly can cause all sorts of problems.
Obviously they will have to purchase & download Reunion12 -
1. how or what are the steps involved to transfer my family tree information (Gedcom file,photos/links/resource) to their computers, some use a Mac but other family members use a PC. I have a seperate file on my desktop with all the certificates & photo's as well which seem to link to Reunion12.
2. I sense it is more complicated to transfer Gedcom file from my Mac to PC?
Apologies if these questions seem too basic, but for me anyway, it is often the starting point that if done incorrectly can cause all sorts of problems.