Is it possible to limit only the marked people to be displayed in the People List? I have a large database of a all persons named McCutchan(en) eon) and I would like to work on a particular set of people within the database.
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Displaying only marked peope in the People window
You can also do this directly without having to go into "Find." Just view "Results" instead of "People." One of the sub-options under Results is "Marked People."
Note that this list will behave differently than the one you get from using Kevan Yuck's method. If you find marked people, the list will be static. When you un-mark a person, they stay in the list (you can update list list by clicking on the little "chasing arrow" reload icon at the bottom of the list). On the other hand, if you view Results -> Marked People, the list is "live:" if you un-mark a person, they will immediately disappear from the list. I find both of these behaviors useful in different situations.Brad Mohr