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Missing Title Bar

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    Missing Title Bar

    Can anyone help me to restore my Title Bar. The details has disappeared. All I can see is the name of the file and that's it.

    What else are you expecting to see? Or do you mean the 'Quickbar'?


      I was expecting to see this all three icons on the top left - red, amber and green. However the amber is greyed out and I think this is the problem. When I click the green button, the screen shrinks, the amber reappears and I can see the what the help page shows as what should be on the title bar.

      I tried pasting a screenshot into this message but not joy so you could see that I am getting at.



        Try reducing the size of the window a little, by taking the cursor to (say) its bottom right corner, where it should change shape to one that allows you to do this.


          Originally posted by Elizabeth McCallum View Post
          I was expecting to see this all three icons on the top left - red, amber and green. However the amber is greyed out and I think this is the problem. When I click the green button, the screen shrinks, the amber reappears and I can see the what the help page shows as what should be on the title bar.
          It sounds like you're putting Reunion into full screen mode (it takes up the whole screen). When in full screen mode, the title bar is hidden (unless you put your mouse at the top of the screen) and only the Close (red) and Zoom (green) buttons are active, the Minimize (yellow) button is disabled. Note the is standard across all macOS applications and not something that Reunion is doing.

          Mark Harrison
          Leister Productions, Inc.


            Thank you all for the help...a;; good now and Yes's the full screen vs minimize which was confusing me

