I inadvertently deleted what I assume to have been a file containing data on islands in the Reunion 12 installation on my iPad. I'd hit the limit on my free Dropbox account — what a flurry of warnings that started, coaxing me to add some headroom. Instead, I began cleaning house with gusto. As one file was starting its way out, I caught a glimpse of “islands” and was able to put on the brakes before the next file (“family”) followed suit.
I've made very little use of the islands feature. Before posting this, I checked both my Mac and iPad instances. All appears normal. My Dropbox file list shows an islands file, with a modification timestamp corresponding with a test change made in that island on the Mac. If I did delete that file, is its presence now to be expected due to the synching with my Mac? IOW, should I just leave well enough alone?
I've made very little use of the islands feature. Before posting this, I checked both my Mac and iPad instances. All appears normal. My Dropbox file list shows an islands file, with a modification timestamp corresponding with a test change made in that island on the Mac. If I did delete that file, is its presence now to be expected due to the synching with my Mac? IOW, should I just leave well enough alone?