There are no separate digests per version of Reunion - there's just the one digest, which includes posts from all forums, including both the Reunion 12 and 13 forums. Excluding one of the forums from the digest isn't an option.
Beverley, after opening the Reunion Digest, go to the Edit Menu in your email application and click on "Find", enter the term "Reunion 12" (quotes not needed) and hit the Return key. The first Reunion 12 entry in the list should be highlighted so clicking on it will take you to the Reunion 12 Forum.
Beverley, after opening the Reunion Digest, go to the Edit Menu in your email application and click on "Find", enter the term "Reunion 12" (quotes not needed) and hit the Return key. The first Reunion 12 entry in the list should be highlighted so clicking on it will take you to the Reunion 12 Forum.
???? Kinda roundabout. All Beverly needs to do is click on the Reunion 12 category on the main page. Yes, she will on rare occasions miss a 12 posting but only because someone posted a 12 item outside of the 12 category.
Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT
Thank you Mark, Dennis and Bob for your helpful suggestions, much appreciated! I've actually been using Reunion since 1999, and as I now have three great-grandchildren I am desperately trying to update all of my files while my few remaining brain cells are still operational! The good news here in Victoria is that we've had over three weeks of zero cases and zero deaths connected to the Covid-19 pandemic and about to learn what new easings of restrictions are to be announced shortly.
Last edited by Beverley Davis; 21 November 2020, 04:42 PM.
Beverley in Melbourne, Australia
2014 iMac; OS10.10.5