Hello - I am using Reunion 12, can anyone offer some solutions as to how to correct this annoyance.
It only happens with surnames which are double barrelled (if there is such a description - ones with a space separating the two portions of surname) for example the surname Wxx Dxx is listed in the people sidebar in the "D" section, whereas, for some reason another surname Txxx Lxx appears correctly under the "T" section
I have produced a register report, part of this report is the index page - this is where the alphabetical listing of all the names is messed up with surnames which have a space in them, I suspect I could correct by adding an hyphen instead of space but this is not way the surname should be presented
The Soundex letter/number seems to determine where the surname appears - is it possible to amend the Soundex letter/number ?
It only happens with surnames which are double barrelled (if there is such a description - ones with a space separating the two portions of surname) for example the surname Wxx Dxx is listed in the people sidebar in the "D" section, whereas, for some reason another surname Txxx Lxx appears correctly under the "T" section
I have produced a register report, part of this report is the index page - this is where the alphabetical listing of all the names is messed up with surnames which have a space in them, I suspect I could correct by adding an hyphen instead of space but this is not way the surname should be presented
The Soundex letter/number seems to determine where the surname appears - is it possible to amend the Soundex letter/number ?