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OCCU handling on import from Ancestry

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    OCCU handling on import from Ancestry

    When importing through GEDCOM from Ancestry, the occupation of my grandfather, "Coppersmith, gas station owner", comes in as a a Note with the title "*New [OCCU]." Is this a bug? (Is it different in Reunion 13?) I have seen references to folks being concerned with OCCU coming in as a different Fact called "*New [OCCU]" and I understand how to fix it if that were the case, but this is different.



    In order to provide a definite reason for your seeing what you are, it would be helpful to see the GEDCOM file that was downloaded from

    However, I can say the field name and destination (i.e., Note/Fact/Event) can be changed during the import process.

    After choosing File -> Import -> GEDCOM and selecting the GEDCOM file to import, click the Open button.

    Then, click on the "Optional Fields" tab along the top of the Import window and look down through the listing of field.

    I'm guessing you will see this...
    GEDCOM import Note.png

    ...for the problem field.

    If so, double-click on *New [OCCU]" and change it to say read as...

    Then, click on the up/down arrows to the right of Note and select Event or Fact as the Destination...
    GEDCOM import edited.png

    By default, Reunion's Occupation field is a Fact. (My guess is you are seeing the "*New [OCCU]" in the GEDCOM import window because Reunion does not have a pre-defined Occupation Note field and, perhaps, the field was exported by Ancestry as a Note field.)

    Incidentally, if the field contains more than 255 characters, I recommend keeping the "Note" field as the Destination. (Note fields can contain up to 64,000 characters.) Otherwise, it can be changed to either Fact or Event.

    Note: Importing the GEDCOM file into Reunion 13 most likely would be the same in this case.

    I hope you find this information helpful
    Deb Stuller
    Leister Productions Inc.

