What is the best way to keep the old Reunion 12 data for use in Reunion 12 if I have to revert? Should I compress and archive any file/folder that is related to Reunion 12 before I install Reunion 13?
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Keeping Reunion 12 Data After Updating to Reunion 13
Reunion 13 creates a new file based on the Reunion 12 file but leaves the old file itself untouched. I guess you could leave the old Reunion 12 file hanging around unless it takes up too much space, but after a while it will start to be out of date as you put new information in the Reunion 13 file (unless you add it in both - but why?). I wouldn't worry about other files such as Application Support files.--
Eric Van Beest
Spring, TX
Researching: Van Beest, Feijen, Van Herk