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Research Notes

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    Research Notes

    I am trying to find a method of keeping my research notes with in Reunion. I have tried to add Research notes to then Notes area and that will save the notes.

    I would like to be able to get a list of all research notes for everyone so that when I go to some county or library I can print out a list for that area. Or if I am researching a certain surname I can get a list of research notes just for that surname.

    Would it work to create a special fact and link sources/citations to that fact?

    Anyone have a good way? Or How do you do it?

    Thanks Roger


    Have you tried the Logs function? You can build all sorts of research notes which can then be printed and are alos synced with ReunionTouch.

    I have been building a number of logs but have not used them during research trips yet. This is probably a good time for me to go back in and review and edit those logs.



      I keep it simple and physical. I've tried several software solutions and, in each case, decided they took more effort to maintain than was worth the time. So, I simply have three folders -- good old manila folders -- labeled Pending Requests, Pending Emails and Further Research. The first two are for requests that I'm waiting for response. The third is for items that I will go back to at a later date. This works OK for me but won't work for everyone; mileage varies is one of my mottos.

      P.S. Most of the paper goes to recycle once done. Anything worth retaining gets scanned. Pretty much... (and it's taking me awhile to get totally there), the goal is to retain actual paper only for things such as certified birth/death/etc. documents and original really old photographs.
      Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
      Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
      iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


        I use Google Sheets or Trello depending on what I am trying to do. Both allow me to create a list, categorize them, sort them and check it off when complete. With Google Sheets you can create structured format so that when I print it out and bring to a library, I can make sure I didn't forget something.

