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Web Project and Website Builders

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    Web Project and Website Builders

    Has anyone successfully linked a Web Project to a WordPress site? I was a previous user of Sandvox which about two years ago stopped responding so I moved my site to Wix and was told there was no way to link the Web Project folder to my site. I held on to my GoDaddy account (which had hosted my Sandvox site) and have been attempting to created a site that would just host the Web Project. I now have a managed WordPress site at GoDaddy, but can't find any way to link the Web Report folder which I ftp'd to GoDaddy (in the same site that hosts the WordPress site).

    I have spent two days on the phone with GoDaddy, and no one can seem to help. If it's not possible can someone suggest another solution. Thanks.


    Hi Donna,

    I'm also a former user of Sandvox (for personal stuff).

    I switched to Wix about a year ago, looking for a proper presentation on iOS devices.

    I don't use WordPress; so can't speak to its capabilities directly.

    However, if you've uploaded a web project to your space on GoDaddy then, on Wix, you could easily create a button that points to the address of the web project folder (specifically, the xxx_toc.html file within the web project folder). I'm hoping that your WordPress site would offer the same functionality.
    Frank Leister
    Leister Productions Inc.


      In WordPress you can certainly create a page or post that contains a link to the xxxx_toc.html file for the Web Project. With a bit more work in the Admin area you can probably create a menu item for it.

      Roger Moffat


        When I creat the web file in Reunion and it sends it to the reports folder, I don't see a xxxx_toc.html file. Where is this file? Thanks.


          Originally posted by spiritree View Post
          When I creat the web file in Reunion and it sends it to the reports folder, I don't see a xxxx_toc.html file. Where is this file? Thanks.
          Replace the xxx with the initials for the name of your file. e.g. A family file named "Donna's Family.familyfile13" will have the file in the web folder named "df_toc.html"
          Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
          Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
          iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


            Originally posted by spiritree View Post
            When I creat the web file in Reunion and it sends it to the reports folder, I don't see a xxxx_toc.html file. Where is this file?
            There are a few different options for the naming of this file -- check your setting in:

            Reunion -> Preferences... , Web, Reports, Files, Cover page

            If Let Reunion decide the name is selected, then the file will be named "xx_toc.html", where XX will depend on the type of report (e.g. for a web project it would be "wc_toc.html", for a descendant report "dr_toc.html", etc.). However, if you don't see an "xx_toc.html" then one of the other options (index.html, default.html, or prompt for name of cover page) is likely selected, and that will determine the name of the file.

            Originally posted by Bob White View Post
            A family file named "Donna's Family.familyfile13" will have the file in the web folder named "df_toc.html"
            This is incorrect, none of the settings for the name of this file will take the name of the family file into account -- unless you select "Prompt for name of the cover page" and choose to use the initials of the family file.

            Mark Harrison
            Leister Productions, Inc.


              Originally posted by Mark View Post
              ............This is incorrect, none of the settings for the name of this file will take the name of the family file into account -- unless you select "Prompt for name of the cover page" and choose to use the initials of the family file. HTH
              OK about being incorrect but my basis is at odds with that. My main family file is White & Co 13. Each time that I create a web project, the xxx_toc.html file names itself wc_toc.html and my setting is and has been for a very long time: Let Reunion decide the name. (I'm always ready to learn more....)

              Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
              Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
              iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


                I always thought that the "wc" in "wc_toc.html" stood for "web cards".


                  Originally posted by Blaise A. Darveaux View Post
                  I always thought that the "wc" in "wc_toc.html" stood for "web cards".
                  That's correct, the "wc" stands for "web cards" - which is what the web project was called in older versions of Reunion.
                  Mark Harrison
                  Leister Productions, Inc.


                    That's a good one for a Tuesday chuckle. Just a coincidence that my file's initials were the same: "wc" Thank you, Mark.
                    Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
                    Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
                    iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


                      Thank you Mark for: "If Let Reunion decide the name...the file will be named "xx_toc.html." I found it. Now for my next question. I don't have a Go Daddy space where I can host the web project but instead I'm using WIX for a family webpage but apparently they don't support the necessary FTP app. Is there another way to upload my web folder to the internet?
                      Thanks again.


                        Originally posted by spiritree View Post
                        Is there another way to upload my web folder to the internet?
                        The files either need to be uploaded via FTP, or via whatever method your website host provides for uploading custom pages to your website (usually that's done via FTP).

                        If your host doesn't provide a means of uploading custom pages, then it won't work for hosting the web project. As far as I'm aware, WIX does not provide a means of uploading custom pages to the website (you're limited to their "website builder") -- you would have to host the web project somewhere that does allow uploading of custom pages, then link to that via your WIX page, as Frank discussed earlier.
                        Mark Harrison
                        Leister Productions, Inc.


                          Thank you Mark for that clear and concise explanation. WIX does not use FTP for some reason. Now I'm looking for a web builder that does at no cost so I can link my Reunion files to my genealogy webpage through a link.
                          Last edited by spiritree; 14 July 2021, 12:03 AM.


                            This is an old post but maybe someone can help me. I am trying to link the web pages created by Reunion to a button in Wordpress. I have zipped the Reunion Web pages and uploaded them to Wordpress but how do I get the Reunion Web pages so that I can link to them? Is there some way to unzip and just have all of Reunion stuff in one folder?

