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Updating URLs

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    Updating URLs

    One of the online archives I use is being updated and will get a new webaddress. I would need to partially replace the existing URLs to go to the new location. Is there a function that can do this within the software?
    I could imagine exporting a gedcom, using a texteditor with search and replace and importing it back into reunion but I am afraid that this will break images or other stuff as regulrly I see websites comment that reunion uses custom fields. Is this a real risk, what are recommended settings?

    Would be nice if Reunion would add as Dutch website that is operational and will be replacing in future.

    Thanks JP

    Depending on just where in Reunion you have put these URLs, the Find and Replace function can probably do it for you.

    Click on Find in the Sidebar and then click on Find and Replace, and set the criteria there and the type of field you want to search and replace in

    Make a copy of your file first and experiment on that to get it right.

    Roger Moffat


      Thanks Roger,
      sometimes solutions are obvious. The search and replace selecting structured source fields worked. I had simply used find first and it gives all persons with this old website reference but it did not go to the specif url field in structured resources. I made a backup of the tree though first, better safe than sorry


        Hello mr. Heersje,
        Found your question concerning 'URL change' from 'Alle' to 'Aezel' (what an awfull name, why not simple 'Limburgs Erfgoed').
        All the webstrings for 'Search the web' are made by mr. Ton Bäcker (a Dutch Reunion user) and asked him if it is possible to make a new webstring.
        Last edited by fjvanbodegom; 29 April 2022, 06:09 AM. Reason: Typo
        Frans van Bodegom
        Reunion NL Support Team


          Thanks/bedankt Frans and Ton,

          I agree that the name is a bit strange but the website is quite nice and also available in other languages and a simpler access to scans. So I don’t feel an aezel when using it ;-)

          best Jean-Paul


            Mr. Ton Bäcker made two new 'Search Engines' for Dutch Reunion Users
            Thanks to quick response of Leister you can install them.
            How to install: Reunion -> Preferences -> Web -> Searching
            Frans van Bodegom
            Reunion NL Support Team

