My wife and I recently jumped all the way from Reunion 9 to 13 after having to update her 2015 desktop Mac to 11.7.9 Big Sur for other reasons. We are totally lost, nothing looks the same or seems to be organized the same way, and I need help. Beyond or in lieu of the standard Reunion tutorials, is there any help out there anyone'd recommend in the form of a book or other format? My wife is afraid she'll never be able to figure it out. She has always run Reunion, not me. She never advanced from version 9 as she was afraid things would not work the same way, which obviously they don't with that big a jump, hence the big education gap. She is the POC for a family directory with over 170 names and sends monthly e mail updates. We've opened the transferred family file, which Reunion insists contains all the original information. I'd appreciate any pointers available toward help. Thank you.
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Reunion 9 to Reunion 13 transfer
The big change to Reunion's main window happened with the introduction of Reunion 10 (mid-2012). For the most part, the basic layout isn Reunion has not changed since then.
Here's a video that we made to explain some of the changes between Reunion 9 and Reunion 10.
You might also want to watch the what's new videos for versions of Reunion leading up to and including Reunion 13.
What's new in Reunion 10...
New features in Reunion 11...
New features in Reunion 12...
New features in Reunion 13...
As you watch these videos you will hopefully become more comfortable with the current layout of Reunion.Gregg Witmer
Leister Productions, Inc.
I jumped from 9- 13 and all my huge charts and files (8000 people) worked and opened fine. Everything looks very similar to me, a few adjustments made for the home page/family in preferences etc. can be done. Make sure you copy over any fonts from the old library so even those make everything look the same. I was worried to for the same reasons, but so far my largest charts and info show and function fine on the Mac Monterey. I found the old reunion files opened fine on the new version, I didn't even have to export gedcom and re import thankfully. I do find that for the add picture on the tree right click you have to just tell the programme which family you are referring to and then all the other 'add picture's tie up correctly to the right people in the file. Only thing I don't like is a toolbar down the left side. My instinct is all toolbars should be along the top as is with most websites. So apart from that, it's great so far.(VanessaJW)