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How to find the oldest living relative

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    How to find the oldest living relative

    All the members of my family who I remember from when I was young are now gone. How can I search my Reunion file to find the oldest living relative?

    As with most families, I interviewed a lot of my aunts and uncles. But, now they are all gone. I am wanting to start interviewing my cousins for stories about themselves and their immediate famiiies and think it would be good to have a list ordered by age to use as reference.

    Thank you.

    In your left-side panel, click Reports --> Statistics
    At the top of the page, use these settings.


    This will display a table of ages. Click a row in the table and Reunion will display the names of ​that age group. Make sure your right-side panel is displaying People (as opposed to sources, media, etc.).

    There's probably an easier way; if so Bob White will tell us
    Researching Western NC and Northeast GA and any family connected to Caney Fork in Jackson County, NC


      This is interesting, but I have a lot of people in my tree where the death date is unknown. Is there some way to mark a person as dead but the death date is not known?


        Herb, correct me if I’m wrong, but I think entering a ? in the death date will suffice, if you know a person is deceased but do not know the date.
        James L. Milne
        Click here to email me


          Since I asked the question, I'm not the one to correct you. I'll try that answer see if it works. Thanks.


            Originally posted by KirkS View Post
            ......There's probably an easier way; if so Bob White will tell us
            Thank you for the confidence. I was actually waiting to see if you or Roger came up with a quick way. When I read Richard's question, I thought about the Lists feature. Here is what I came up with.

            Not sure if it is what he's after since it shows both the birth and death. This means a manual examination comparing the birth and death parts. Example.. Samuel Robinson has the earliest birthdate then, looking down the list, he has a death date.

            I just did a small sample of people. He may need to mark who he wants in the list. The items in the screenshot are sorted by the Date column.

            There is likely a more efficient method that Leister staff can share or add to the future features list.

            Screenshot 2025-01-25 at 10.24.05 PM.png
            Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
            Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
            iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


              Go to the Advanced Find and do this Find


              This will give you a list of people born after 31 Dec 1914 - so 110 years (plus a few days) ago who DO NOT have a death date. Mark everyone in that list.

              Then go to Lists ------> Events. When that opens, click the Settings icon and set it like this


              to include only the Marked people, and the Birth Date. Click Apply

              You now have a list of all those people not indicated as Deceased born less than 110 years ago. You can now click the Event Date (Birth) column to sort by the Birth date, and you'll have a list of people who your Reunion thinks are alive, sorted by Birth date, so start contacting in birth date order.

              Roger Moffat


                Nice. I like it when there are multiple solutions to a question.
                Researching Western NC and Northeast GA and any family connected to Caney Fork in Jackson County, NC


                  Originally posted by KirkS View Post
                  Nice. I like it when there are multiple solutions to a question.
                  + 1

