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    Good morning all. I have entered a male ancestor who has no father. His mother before becoming a widow had several children. How can I link the gentleman to the family but show the father is not his?
    I have also managed to have the family relationship shown in brown below the persons name ie my mothering law is shown as niece to the gentleman.
    any advise/help would be appreciated.

    Scenario: Ann had son, Bob. Bob's father is unknown. Then Ann married Cal and they had Dan, Eve, and Flo.

    You need to create TWO "marriages" for Ann.

    First, create a marriage for Ann and Unknown -- even if they weren't actually married. Add Bob as a child to this marriage. This is the first family.

    For the second family, Add a New Spouse for Ann and enter the info for Cal. In their marriage, add their children. Bob will not show in this family.


    Researching Western NC and Northeast GA and any family connected to Caney Fork in Jackson County, NC


      "Bob will not show in this family." Bob WILL show if Cal adopted Bob. Just add Bob to the children 'from sidebar' and mark his status as adopted.
      Don't forget last names.
      rMBP, 15", 2.8GHz i7, 16G RAM, Reunion 12.0, iPhone 12 Pro Max, ReunionTouch

