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Ancestry Tags

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    Ancestry Tags

    Ancestry have a number of Tags which can be used for DNA and Research, but also allow Custom tags. They are all extremely useful as they are completely searchable. So, if I want to find everyone who made a Will for example (so long as I’ve tagged them) I just search ‘Wills’ . But when they are imported to Reunion, they go into Notes as *New [_MTTAG], a different one for each original Tag. These are not searchable in Reunion except using the global ‘find’. Those results include many which don’t match the Tag.
    Is there any way of importing these Ancestry Tags into Reunion so that they are categorised somehow. I’ve going to import a GEDCOM (Source is Ancestry but using FTM) into a new Family File and I was wondering if it’s possible to create a custom field beforehand and if I’d be able to select it on import.


    When you import a GEDCOM into Reunion, you are able to change the ​name (i.e. click on "*New [_MTTAG]" and type Tree Tag) and type of field (from Note to Fact). The diagram above shows the dropdown of Note and also Fact*.

    I also had tags from Ancestry which I manually converted to flags. This approach (from memory) takes some work;
    1. Create a flag called "Wills" (Under Settings > Field Settings > Flags),
    2. Use the left hand side sidebar search with the condition of Fact > Tree Tag contains 'Wills" (for example) which will populate a list of people with that tree tag value,
    3. Mark all these people in the right hand side list of people (unmark any other people previously marked or you could save those marked to some marked set and unmark),
    4, Use the left hand side sidebar change, select Set Flag option with selected dropdown "Wills" flag for marked people,
    5. Repeat steps 1-4 for all Ancestry Tree Tag values (assuming you have more than one tag value other than Wills), and
    6. You can then safely delete the Tree Tag Fact field once all flags have been set (Under Settings > Field Settings).

    I would take a backup of your family tree file prior to undertaking the conversion of flags steps above in case you have any issues.

    * Although tempting, selecting Flag (as opposed to say Note or Field) for import would simply create and set a flag for people in your GEDCOM file having a _MTTAG tag and not set a flag based on the value within that tag.
    Last edited by cookp; 28 October 2024, 01:22 AM. Reason: Changed last word from Flag to tag, since this is more generic.

