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Dropbox Update (Dropbox for macOS)

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    Just to clarify...

    When I said "iCloud Drive" I was referring to Apple's iCloud Drive.

    At this point in time, I don't foresee ReunionTouch supporting any cloud services beyond Dropbox and Apple's iCloud Drive.
    Gregg Witmer
    Leister Productions, Inc.


      Anxiously awaiting the updated ReunionTouch using iCloud Drive! The admiral and I are both deep into genealogy and each has an iPhone and a Mac. Dear ol' Dropbox, in their infinite wisdumb only allows 3 devices. (Fortunately, I won, but she's not a happy camper!)
      rMBP, 15", 2.8GHz i7, 16G RAM, Reunion 12.0, iPhone 12 Pro Max, ReunionTouch


        I just got the latest version of ReunionTouch that allows the use of iCloud Drive. I copied my family file (also updated the Mac version of Reunion today too) from DropBox to my iCloud Drive. Opening up ReunionTouch it has the option to choose the family file from DropBox or iCloud Drive. When I navigate to the family file on iCloud Drive it doesn't open. Any suggestions?


          Are you getting any kind of a message after you select your family file in iCloud Drive?

          Also, make sure you update to the latest version of Reunion 13 and that you reset sharing on this family file once you have moved it to iCloud Drive.
          Gregg Witmer
          Leister Productions, Inc.


            Thanks for the quick response. Okay, I made a copy of my family file on my Mac and then moved that copy to my iCloud Drive. I then selected my iCloud Reunion Folder in the Sharing Status and reset Sharing. That made the file selectable on ReunionTouch. Relaunching both the Mac Reunion and ReunionTouch still shows both devices connected to the DropBox file. Arrrgggh. See attached:
            Attached Files


              One more pic. I would expect the iCloud Drive file to be shown at the top of the screen along with the DropBox file, but it isn't.
              Attached Files


                The family file in iCloud Drive should not have the same name as the family file in Dropbox - if they are both going to be in ReunionTouch.

                Try deleting the Dropbox family file from ReunionTouch, then download the family file from iCloud Drive.
                Gregg Witmer
                Leister Productions, Inc.


                  That worked! I also had to delete the family file from DropBox to get Reunion on the Mac to pull from iCloud. I did multiple tests to ensure it was working correctly, i.e. add data to Reunion for Mac and check that it came over to ReunionTouch and vice-versa. Thanks for your help Gregg! Might be a good idea to put that info into the support documentation (delete DropBox family file).


                    Thanks for the update lelseman, that is helpful to know.

                    We will certainly be updating our documentation as we learn what kinds of troubles arise.
                    Gregg Witmer
                    Leister Productions, Inc.


                      Confused as to how to share iCloud Drive like I do with Dropbox.
                      I switched to iCloud drive and so did the wife. I can now see my family file and she can see hers, but neither one of can see the other's.
                      (FWIW, we each have Macs and iPhones, but with Dropbox, her iPhone put us over the 3 device limit, hence iCloud Drive will be a Godsent!)
                      rMBP, 15", 2.8GHz i7, 16G RAM, Reunion 12.0, iPhone 12 Pro Max, ReunionTouch


                        Originally posted by SGilbert View Post
                        Confused as to how to share iCloud Drive like I do with Dropbox.
                        I switched to iCloud drive and so did the wife. I can now see my family file and she can see hers, but neither one of can see the other's.
                        (FWIW, we each have Macs and iPhones, but with Dropbox, her iPhone put us over the 3 device limit, hence iCloud Drive will be a Godsent!)
                        It sounds like you and your wife may need to set up "Remote Sharing" for your family files. Information about how to do so can be found in Reunion's manual by searching for "remote sharing." To access the manual, open your family file and choose Help -> Contents.

                        (Also, be sure you are each running the latest build of Reunion 13. To check it, open your family file and choose Help -> Check for Updates.)

                        I hope you find this helpful
                        Deb Stuller
                        Leister Productions Inc.


                          Originally posted by Deb View Post
                          It sounds like you and your wife may need to set up "Remote Sharing" for your family files. Information about how to do so can be found in Reunion's manual by searching for "remote sharing." To access the manual, open your family file and choose Help -> Contents.

                          (Also, be sure you are each running the latest build of Reunion 13. To check it, open your family file and choose Help -> Check for Updates.)

                          I hope you find this helpful
                          I consider myself quite Mac savvy; Not expert, by any means, but this has kicked my arse! Everything stated turned out bad.
                          Going back to the dark ages with Dropbox. (which has also been a nightmare!)
                          rMBP, 15", 2.8GHz i7, 16G RAM, Reunion 12.0, iPhone 12 Pro Max, ReunionTouch


                            There are several aspects of Dropbox that are nicer than iCloud Drive and vice versa.

                            Syncing family files with other people is not as simple as it was with Dropbox due to some extra required steps.

                            In order to share files over iCloud Drive with other people. That is: people with a different Apple ID than yours. You must use Apple's iCloud "Family Sharing."

                            You must activate iCloud Family Sharing on your iCloud account . Or, your wife on hers - it is not required for both of you to activate it. This is done from your System Settings.

                            Once you have iCloud Family Sharing activated, you (the person with Family Sharing) can control-click on a file or folder in your iCloud Drive and select "Share" to invite the other person to share that file (or folder) with you. People are invited using their Apple ID.

                            You should be able to do this with any file or folder (not just a Reunion family file) just to get a feel for how it works - before you switch on "Remote Sharing" for your family file in Reunion.

                            Gregg Witmer
                            Leister Productions, Inc.


                              Hi! Two sets of questions: (1) I have been using Dropbox without incident. Does it make sense to upload to iCloud Drive as well, simply as an extra level of backup, or should I choose one or the other? In other words, if I upload to both, and make changes on, say the Dropbox file, will those changes automatically sync to the iCloud file, or will I end up with two different versions of my family file (which I do not want, and which would lead me to conclude that I should choose one cloud storage over the other, and stick with it). Gregg, you mentioned above that there are several aspects of each service that are nicer than the other. Can you please elaborate? (2) Is it possible to set up Family Sharing using iCloud with the other person's Apple ID having only view privileges, without the ability to edit, so that if I sync the family file with my son, he will not be able to make changes? Thanks!


                                The DropBox file, and the iCloud file are totally separate files, stored in different places on your computer. Making changes to one WILL NOT synch to the other.

                                You should choose a service and stick with that single file to avoid the chance of any problems.

                                Roger Moffat

