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MacBook Air vs. iPad

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    MacBook Air vs. iPad

    I have an iMac at home but when traveling I find the iPad 2 limiting for Reunion resulting in my wife & I both wanting to use the MacBook Pro at the same time. Members at our local Reunion User Group (RUG) like their Airbook & I see Bob White on this Forum lists his hardware as
    Richard Palmer
    "Life is Good"
    Click here to email me
    Wahl&Schmidt-Germany; McCarbery-Ireland

    Re: MacBook Air vs. iPad

    [QUOTE=RPalmer;36527]I have an iMac at home but when traveling I find the iPad 2 limiting for Reunion resulting in my wife & I both wanting to use the MacBook Pro at the same time. Members at our local Reunion User Group (RUG) like their Airbook & I see Bob White on this Forum lists his hardware as


      Re: MacBook Air vs. iPad

      Getting my MacBook Air was the best move I ever made, it is so light and portable and consequently I WANT to take it everywhere, unlike the heavier laptops. Plus the added bonus of having the benefits of the full Renunion programme with my family tree on, unlike the iPad version which can be somewhat limited I find. Go for it.......

      Yvonne Reeds
      researching: LAIT (all) and REEDS (all) in England
      MacBook Air, Reunion 12, Safari 15.


        Re: MacBook Air vs. iPad

        My Air is the original MacBook Air from mid 2008. For a long time, I felt as Yvonne and Kathleen about it. Then Apple introduced the second generation iPad and my main love moved over to the iPad. I still like the Air but it rarely gets out of the house. I have a Logitech keyboard for the iPad that is Bluetooth and doubles as a protective case.

        Generally speaking, as a touch typist for getting close to 60 years (yes, I learned to type on a manual typewriter), I am not a fan of laptops relative to typing and I hate touch pads. The keys on most are scrunched right against each other. I was attracted to the Air because of its form factor and its touch typist friendly keyboard --- e.g. the standard 1/8" of space between keys that one finds on every ancient electric typewriter. The Logitech attracted me because it has almost 1/8" (actually about 3/32") which allows me to type at a decent speed.

        As I do most of my email and word processing on my iMac, I don't often do documents longer than a paragraph or two on the iPad. The on screen keyboard is fine for that kind of usage. I actually do single finger typing this way at maybe 20-25 WPM.

        BTW, Kathleen, once I got used to the iPad, the Air seems heavy plus having to haul cords and a mouse, etc., now seems like a pain on the backside. I like the iPad mini but I will wait until an updated model with a retina screen comes out.
        Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
        Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
        iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


          Re: MacBook Air vs. iPad

          I have an iPad 2 and an original model MacBook Air. For awhile I tried using a stylus with the iPad 2. Worked but it was clumsy. I did not try an external keyboard with the iPad 2.

          Then I returned to my MacBook Air. It is light, fits in a file folder and the keyboard works just fine. I am looking forward to upgrading to a new MacBook Air as soon as it gains a retina screen, hopefully next spring or summer. Meanwhile, the current MacBook Air has better screen resolution than my original model and is well worth buying if you can't wait.

          Good luck!

          John Danielson

          Mac Pro (2009); MacBook Air (2008); OSX v. 10.7.5; iPad 2; iPhone 4s.


            Re: MacBook Air vs. iPad

            Consider a MacBook Pro with Retina display. The new MacBook Pros are thinner and lighter than the previous ones. I love the Retina display. I find myself editing digital photos on my MacBook Pro rather than my 23 inch iMac. The Retina display is that good. Cost of the Retina display is about $400.00 more than the regular screen so if all you're doing is entering data the standard screen will be adequate. The regular screen will also provide a high res display. It's just that the Retina display is that good.

            I would take a look at all the Mac laptops and the several iPad models by visiting the nearest Apple store. They'll have all models available for demonstration. If there's not one in your city find the nearest one. If you're going to invest thousands of dollars it's worth the drive to visit a store. You'll never find more helpful and friendly people. That's the reason they've so successful. They have a "genius bar" where you can make an appointment to talk to a real Mac expert. If a "genius" doesn't know the answer it doesn't exist! I had a question about Reunion 10. The genius I talked to had heard of Reunion but knew nothing about it. He fiddled around with mine briefly and found the answer I was looking for in Preferences. They really are geniuses and the regular employees are excellent as well. No hard sell. Just lots of good info in my experience.

            If you don't have an appointment to see a "genius" just wait a few minutes and do a little more shopping. I've never had an appointment but have never had to wait more than 15 minutes.

            For example I was convinced to buy the Retina display after he demonstrated how sharp it is in using something like Photoshop Elements. No high pressure. They just took the time to demo all models. I went in thinking I'd buy a MacBook but all the demos I tried convinced me to get the MacBook Pro with Retina display.

   (This is the URL to find the nearest Apple store. Take in your old Mac and they will move all your data over at no cost.)

            Yes I'm a big fan of Apple stores. There are two in my area and it's well worth the drive. They keep adding stores so if you haven't checked lately use the URL provided above to see what's available.


              Re: MacBook Air vs. iPad

              Originally posted by JerryT View Post
              Consider a MacBook Pro with Retina display. The new MacBook Pros are thinner and lighter than the previous ones. ... etc.
              I second Jerry's advice - both on product selection and the value provided in the Apple stores. Everyone was telling my wife she should get an iPad for all kinds of things including Reunion. I 'convinced' her to first visit an Apple store to look at the various products, what they could and could not do, and compare the sizes, weights, and presentations. To make a long story short, she opted for the 13" MBP with Retina (Nov 2012) and has been thrilled with the choice.
              Bob Emnett
              V9.0c, X10.10.5
              rosebob.emnett "at"


                Re: MacBook Air vs. iPad

                "And the rest of the story" having started this thread:

                I am sending this from my new MacBookAir 13" with 512 GB and I really like it. When home I attach a large monitor I purchased at Costco for around $200. I really would like the larger monitor from Apple but can't quite come to spring for the $1,000. I have since sold my iPad second generation and my iMac. At this point I haven't purchased the "Super Drive" for around $70 as I remote to my wife's MacBookPro.

                As for retina display I decided not to wait as some Blogs have Apple not coming out with the Retina display on the MacBookAir for some time due to concerns about battery life. This may not be the solution for everyone but I am a happy camper.
                Last edited by RPalmer; 23 May 2013, 08:47 AM. Reason: typo
                Richard Palmer
                "Life is Good"
                Click here to email me
                Wahl&Schmidt-Germany; McCarbery-Ireland


                  Re: MacBook Air vs. iPad

                  Good for you Richard.
                  I have been a Mac mad fan since I was introduced to a MacBook by a researcher just about 2008 when the first new iMac became available in Australia. I bought an iMac and now have a 2011 Model. We bought a MacBook and a touch and now have iPad1 and the ipad4 all great.
                  Plus the wife has iPad mini which she loves. Her system is not synced with mine.
                  So it is horses for courses when traveling or doing research.
                  Love the Retina display. Oh and I'd don't find wifi only a problem as we are retired at home where nearly all the fun on macs happen.
                  I need the bigger screen of the iMac for photos and use the cloud for syncing other than the Reunion which works very well by the way with the iPads.
                  I found just last week when visiting a library with BDMs I had brought just the iPad4 which I used just for notes and reference. Their PCs were on the blink, again.
                  I concluded that is will in future take both the iPads using one for the open program and the older one for adding notes in Notes or Draft or even in Evernote. I even use the camera.
                  Noel Fields
                  Noel Fields Australia
                  email > <
                  Researching Fields, Majewski, Watson, Hurwood, Parker.


                    Re: MacBook Air vs. iPad

                    Hi Noel

                    I have a MacBook and still prefer to do most of my work on it but I also have a larger monitor which I find is marvellous when I am researching as I can park Reunion on it and search on the laptop, flipping backwards and forwards as necessary.

                    I also find it useful when trying to follow instructions for something - can park the instructions where I can see them and make the adjustments on the other screen.

                    I do have an iPad but haven't had sufficient need to use Reunion away from the laptop so haven't really come to grips with it yet.



                      Re: MacBook Air vs. iPad

                      I'm a little late to this conversation, but it seems the closest to what I need to ask. I've been using a 15" MacBook Pro for nearly six years now, and plan to purchase a new computer in January. I'm debating two issues: air vs pro, and screen size. A side issue is retina or not.

                      I'm pushing 70 (hard) with the related vision issues, so I'm concerned about going from a 15" to a 13" screen which I would have to do with the air. Any suggestions? Thanks.


                        Re: MacBook Air vs. iPad

                        If vision is becoming a problem and portability is not an issue, you should consider moving away from the laptop. I'm about your age and the 27" iMac is fantastic vision wise.
                        Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
                        Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
                        iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


                          Re: MacBook Air vs. iPad

                          Originally posted by Charlie Hartley View Post
                          I'm a little late to this conversation, but it seems the closest to what I need to ask. I've been using a 15" MacBook Pro for nearly six years now, and plan to purchase a new computer in January. I'm debating two issues: air vs pro, and screen size. A side issue is retina or not.

                          I'm pushing 70 (hard) with the related vision issues, so I'm concerned about going from a 15" to a 13" screen which I would have to do with the air. Any suggestions? Thanks.

                          I can't help you with the air vs pro question, but I do have a suggestion. I am using a 15" MacBook Pro with an external monitor. You can get what ever size external monitor you would like. In my case, I use the computer more at home than away, so I'm using the external monitor most of the time. When I am away, I can work with the 15" screen okay. Not as nice as the monitor, but acceptable. And I am 72.

                          -----===== Bill =====-----

