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Selecting and extracting a face from a group

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    Selecting and extracting a face from a group

    Hello all. I have a large collection of photos from over 100 yrs of my family records.
    Fortunately many are from studio sources and are of excellent quality.
    Yes, I scan all the photos into both iPhoto and Aperture at an appropriate resolution.
    Being quite familiar with dealing with the results, I have a work flow which does the job.
    I first use iPhoto or Aperture to crop, clean, adjust etc.
    Then I use 'Export Version' to the desktop. A rename is done and the resultant photo added to a dedicated folder for Reunion Multimedia.
    OK now the interesting part - with a group 2 or more, how to extract a 'head and shoulders' of each person?
    A crop and save will alter the original copy so I use another method.
    The extracted copy on the desktop is opened in preview. Then if they are a 2 person group, I duplicate twice. On each duplicate I can crop as desired and save with a new name etc.
    The biggest problem I have is the work required this way when there is a large group of say 10 in a wedding group. That equates to a 10x duplicate method. I also have a group of 40 in a family reunion!
    Is there a method of crop, copy and paste each person without the duplication? Is so, where do you paste? Regards to all, love the reuniontalk.😃
    Noel Fields Australia
    email > <
    Researching Fields, Majewski, Watson, Hurwood, Parker.

    Re: Selecting and extracting a face from a group

    Originally posted by feelsrgreen View Post
    with a group 2 or more, how to extract a 'head and shoulders' of each person?
    If you attach the same picture to each person pictured, you can crop it within Reunion to show only the person you want, a different person on each family card, if you want to.

    Search for "Cropping images" in the manual for details, particularly "Working with Group Photos".

    Of course, the cropping is only functional within Reunion and the reports and charts it generates, so it may or may not be what you are looking for. It doesn't alter the original photograph.
    Dennis J. Cunniff
    Click here to email me


      Re: Selecting and extracting a face from a group

      Originally posted by feelsrgreen View Post
      <snip>...Is there a method of crop, copy and paste each person without the duplication? Is so, where do you paste? Regards to all, love the reuniontalk.😃
      Here are some screencasts from Ben Sayer on how to work with photos in Reunion's multimedia file. These are for v.9 but I believe they are mostly still valid.

      As Dennis indicated, you should also open the Reunion manual (question mark on any page) & search for "Working with Group Photos" (without the quote marks) and read that section. Notice, at the bottom of that article, it indicates that cropping does not alter the original image file on your hard drive. Ben's videos indicated that cropping did alter the original but, I think that was because it took you to the original in Preview.

      Hope this is helpful,
      Kaye Mushalik
      -Muschalik (Poland), Stroop, Small (Ireland), Fitzsimons/Fitzsimmons (Ireland) Pessara/Pesaora/Pesarro/Pizarro (from Germany)
      -Dorrance, Eberstein, Bell
      -Late2015iMac27"Retina5K, MacOS10.14, iOS12.1, R12, Safari12.0


        Re: Selecting and extracting a face from a group

        Thanks to all and is my face red!
        I am an old man now but still have good facilities, (myself) and my Mac equipment is newish, no later than 12-18 months.
        One of the tenets of PC usage was always always Read The Flaming Manual. 👏👏
        In my dotage I thought I had done so, but iPhoto, Aperture and indeed R10 have all updated in recent times. Keeping up with OS etc is keeping me from Reunion time.
        A problem is evident and you look it up but go no further into HELP.
        Since the replies above, I have checked my files and managed to apply suggested cropping etc. Now all is well, sort of. I am still wading through manuals again for iPhoto and Aperture.
        "Bob the Mac Nut" will be smiling and bobbing his head!
        My family files are just that. Small - with just over 700 people, I am restricting my file to the Fields line from my GGG Grandmother and fellow decendents.
        My present endeavor is to fill each name with a photo.
        Lucky me I have hundreds of photos to use.
        Noel Fields Australia
        email > <
        Researching Fields, Majewski, Watson, Hurwood, Parker.


          Re: Selecting and extracting a face from a group

          Have you tried Shift/Command/4.

          This gives you a camera-like screen-device which can be used to crop any piece of a photo
          into a .png by dragging it.


            Re: Selecting and extracting a face from a group

            Originally posted by Charles Bourland View Post
            Have you tried Shift/Command/4.

            This gives you a camera-like screen-device which can be used to crop any piece of a photo
            into a .png by dragging it.
            By cropping photos that way, you'll probably wind up losing a good deal of detail. You're getting a screen image, at 72 dpi. You could compensate by enlarging it first, but you're probably better off using Photoshop or iPhoto or some similar program.
            Dennis J. Cunniff
            Click here to email me


              Re: Selecting and extracting a face from a group

              Thanks to all for suggestions.
              I do have the experience with many years of photography both professionally and with Pcs.
              So I understand and have used most of the methods mentioned.
              Since I have searched and experimented with the latest reunion and with the Mountain lion versions of all my programs, I have found a couple of very useful approaches and methods which suits me now with what I need.
              For those who are not aware, I suggest they use PREVIEW to 'see' a photo.
              This gives you an option to crop immediately and to use the edit for further actions.
              These are very good, showing similar edit tools which crop up on nearly every instance of using a photo in an Apple application these days, even mail!
              No need to use photoshop or even iPhoto to alter contrast, tweaking the curves etc.
              The starting image is a copy but the tweaked image is fixed - sort of.
              I am happy to note here that I have learnt to do some of that in MULTIMEDIA on the person part in Reunion. Seems the good folk at Reunion have included this in-app approach to help us by not having so many steps. Many thanks to the team.👏 I admit I overlooked this in my eagerness to get the family entered etc.
              Noel Fields Australia
              email > <
              Researching Fields, Majewski, Watson, Hurwood, Parker.


                Re: Selecting and extracting a face from a group

                I must add here a note and admit to having used PSE, which i have little use fhese days.
                I have found it so much better for my needs to use APERTURE.
                This application is very versatile and allows hundreds of adjustments including repair and clone plus burn and dodge.
                The only downer for me is that with auto saving of revisions that it expands the number of images. Another plus though is the integration with iPhoto. ( I don't understand it all - but ).

                iPhoto too has many, perhaps simpler tweaking adjustments.
                I have used both program's to repair photos which are either creased, torn, scratched, faded, etc or needing colour adjustments.

                The only time I open PSE is to change scanned negatives to positives.

                I'd like one app that could remove black lenses of sunglasses! The curse of all family records these days! Even the oldies like me, use transformer lenses.
                So I have taken to carrying my other plain lensed set for family groups etc.
                Noel Fields Australia
                email > <
                Researching Fields, Majewski, Watson, Hurwood, Parker.

