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Double ReunionTalk?

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    Double ReunionTalk?

    In the last week or so, I've started receiving two copies of ReunionTalk each day. I hesitate to click on the unsubscribe link in case I am totally removed. Anyone else having this issue? Any recommendations as to what to do next? Thanks!

    Same problem here.


      This has been fixed, you should only receive one digest starting with today's digest.
      Mark Harrison
      Leister Productions, Inc.


        Yes, it was fixed, thanks... but the last Reunion Talk digest I received (twice) in my inbox was Jan 30.
        I had to re-enter my wish to receive it in my profile. (just done today)


          Originally posted by Daniel H View Post
          Yes, it was fixed, thanks... but the last Reunion Talk digest I received (twice) in my inbox was Jan 30.
          I had to re-enter my wish to receive it in my profile. (just done today)
          Still very patchy: I received the email Monday, but not yesterday...


            Hi Daniel,

            I can confirm that emails are being sent from our server to your email address. I'm afraid I don't know why they aren't reaching your inbox.

            Mark Harrison
            Leister Productions, Inc.


              Originally posted by Mark View Post
              Hi Daniel,

              I can confirm that emails are being sent from our server to your email address. I'm afraid I don't know why they aren't reaching your inbox.

              Thanks for your reply, Mark, but Reunion Talk is still coming erratically.
              I received Tue 5 and Wed 6 almost together, then Thu 7 normally, then... nothing!
              Don't know what to do either
              Daniel H


                Did you check your user settings? Hm-m-m-m! I just now realized that I hadn't seen a digest in a few days. Searched my email; last one received was Friday , Jan 25th. Went and checked my user settings and found that the digest was set at NO. I did not do that, so the update to the new version of vBulletin must have did the deed. We'll see if I get Wednesday's on Thursday as, at nearly 5 pm PST, I presume today's has already been generated.
                Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
                Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
                iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


                  Originally posted by Bob White View Post
                  Went and checked my user settings and found that the digest was set at NO. I did not do that, so the update to the new version of vBulletin must have did the deed.
                  Same for me - just set it back to Yes now

                  Roger Moffat


                    Hm, strange - everyone who was set to receive the digest with the old version of vBulletin should have been setup to receive it after the upgrade. I'll double-check and make sure of that.
                    Mark Harrison
                    Leister Productions, Inc.

