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Dropbox and media files. Sync between two computers.

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    Dropbox and media files. Sync between two computers.

    I've been using Dropbox for my family file for quite a while now. I'm able to use my desktop with Reunion and then when I'm out with my laptop, I know the information will sync between both. My question is finding a better way to also have my media sync between the two.

    I originally had all my documents stored on my desktop and backed up to iCloud and an external hard drive. Then I started using my laptop more and found I was saving documents there when I was out and about. I'd put then in a folder I'd labeled "transfer them to my desktop" so everything would stay organized. Except it hasn't. I'd get on a roll and forget to move them to the desktop. Or I'd be away from my research for the summer and forget to do it. So...

    Is it feasible, once I get the files organized again to save them in Dropbox so they'll show up when I'm on either machine? I obviously will have to pay for a subscription for Dropbox at this point because it's at it's maximum most of the time with the few other things I upload there.

    As an FYI, and I don't know if this was the best idea or not, but when I started saving documents I grouped them in folders and sub folders versus iPhoto.

    They're organized like:

    Davis Family Folder/then family surnames folders/then documents within each surname i.e. BirthCert_Davis_Sandra_01Jan2019.

    I was trying to keep each section of the tree in it's own group. My grandmothers tree, grandfathers tree, etc. I place photos in there also and label them accordingly. I don't know if using iPhoto would have been better, but at the time, iPhoto didn't seem intuitive to organize how I wanted. Now maybe it'd work, but I'm too far down the rabbit hole I think with this system.
    Sandy D.
    Reunion 10

    DropBox would be the easiest way to achieve this, but certainly not the only way.

    For years I have used a software called ChronoSynch to keep various folders on up to 3 different computers all in synch. It runs every night around 3am to synch my MacBook Pro to my Mac Pro, and my wife's MacBook Pro to my Mac Pro.

    So genealogy documents, or photos or financial records added/updated on one computer find their way to the other computers some time in the next 24 hours usually. Of course I can run a manual synch if I need things synched "now".

    I would NOT put your genealogy images in iPhoto. Keep them in some hierarchy of folders that makes sense to what you're trying to do.

    Roger Moffat


      I used to have my Family Files stored in a Dropbox folder so that I could work on either of my two computers, whichever practical at the time. The only caveat to this idea, and it is an important one, is to have only one computer using the family file at a time. Before opening the file on the second computer, one must be sure it is closed on the first computer. Things can get rather messed up if one does this. Although I think Reunion gives a warning if this is about to occur. I haven't done this for a while, so I'm not sure about the warning feature.
      As I said, I used to do this, but not now. A significant family member objected to having family information in the cloud where it could be hacked and misused. Also, I will second the advice not to store important genealogy images only in iPhoto/Photo. Having important photos residing deep in a database is not the best for recovery and access. A logical hierarchy of folders is much a much better way to store them.
      Victoria, Australia


        Originally posted by Robin Helmond View Post
        ........ and it is an important one, is to have only one computer using the family file at a time. Before opening the file on the second computer, one must be sure it is closed on the first computer. Things can get rather messed up if one does this. Although I think Reunion gives a warning if this is about to occu............
        Reunion does warn you and takes it a step further. closes the file on the other computer...remotely! So, if you are out and about with your MacBook and forgot to close the file on the iMac at home.... not a problem.
        Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
        Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
        iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


          Sandy, I have a question very related to your situation, and a potential solution.

          I have about 15 GB of media stored on computer #1 in a set of highly structured folders, for hundreds of unrelated families in many locations. Way too much for my Dropbox account, which is too costly to upgrade, but iCloud capacity can be increased to 50GB for $1/month.

          Presently I work with Reunion on computer #2 by mounting the computer #1 volume via WiFi (using Handoff). But the remote volume presents a different directory structure to Reunion, so whenever a media item is clicked on computer #2, Reunion considers it a 'lost' item. It takes maybe 10 seconds to locate, but this repeats for each media item opened.

          I have let Reunion repair all media links for the computer #1 volume mounted on computer #2, about 5 -10 minutes, but having done that, again need to repair links next time Reunion opens that family file from computer #1. I haven't been able to get media to work quickly unless links are repaired each time the computer is changed, which is painful.

          But if the media files directory superstructure was dragged to a linked iCloud account, would Reunion have to repair links each time it opens on the other computer? If not, that could be a good solution since the media would be on both computers, which could now be used somewhat independently.

          Perhaps Leisterfolk know the answer?
          -- Paul, Reitz immigrants in America

          Reunion 14 (build 241014)
          15" MBP_R mid-2015, macOS 12.7.6
          16" MBP M1 Pro, Sequoia 15.2


            I use ChronoSynch to keep many of my Documents and Pictures folders synchronised between 3 computers here locally. The computers are setup the same so that the paths are the same to any particular folder on the different computers. 2 of those computers use Reunion and Reunion has no problems with lost media no matter which computer the Reunion file is opened on.

            The Reunion files themselves are synchronised using DropBox not ChronoSynch so that the Reunion files can be opened on my phone too.

            Roger Moffat


              Roger, does the synchronization occur quickly, and will it happen if the other computers are sleeping?

              Have you seen any unexpected behavior when two computers are accessing files from different family files?
              -- Paul, Reitz immigrants in America

              Reunion 14 (build 241014)
              15" MBP_R mid-2015, macOS 12.7.6
              16" MBP M1 Pro, Sequoia 15.2


                I have the ChronoSynch synchronisations set to run in the middle of the night from my MacBook Pro and my wife's MacBook Pro to my Mac Pro which is the master of all the files.

                If I know I have a new files on one and not the other that I need, then I run the synchronistation manually.

                It takes some minutes to run usually as it's comparing several hundred thousand files from one computer to another to see what's changed.

                Roger Moffat

