I have a 15 Meg GEDCOM file that is filled with errors like these:
5 CONthere appears to be some error in the recording of Rispy Overba
5 CONC y M oore's dat e of birth. The "Foot prints" ce metery book give bot
5 CONC h the b irth and the dea th dates as 23 Feb. 1910. Th e Overbay boo
I've been using the search and replace feature of Mariner Write, which works very well, but this is a huge file (over 30,000 people) and I wondered if anyone had any ideas on how to make this a bit easier. Also, just out of curiosity, does anyone know why a GEDCOM export file would have these kinds of errors?
5 CONthere appears to be some error in the recording of Rispy Overba
5 CONC y M oore's dat e of birth. The "Foot prints" ce metery book give bot
5 CONC h the b irth and the dea th dates as 23 Feb. 1910. Th e Overbay boo
I've been using the search and replace feature of Mariner Write, which works very well, but this is a huge file (over 30,000 people) and I wondered if anyone had any ideas on how to make this a bit easier. Also, just out of curiosity, does anyone know why a GEDCOM export file would have these kinds of errors?