Is anyone else using (via Parallels), the windows program The Complete Genealogy Reporter {TCGR} on their Macs with the GEDCOM file exported from Reunion.
I find the detailed report from TCGR very good. It also embeds the fonts into the PDF, and using the online publishing service from lulu.com {TCGR recommended} for converting pdf into hard or soft covered books that are professionally published, being a good way of printing a book for family members especially at Xmas.
The problem with TCGR is that it is very strict in GEDCOM interpretations and wondered if anyone else was using this process to produce books.
Is anyone else using (via Parallels), the windows program The Complete Genealogy Reporter {TCGR} on their Macs with the GEDCOM file exported from Reunion.
I find the detailed report from TCGR very good. It also embeds the fonts into the PDF, and using the online publishing service from lulu.com {TCGR recommended} for converting pdf into hard or soft covered books that are professionally published, being a good way of printing a book for family members especially at Xmas.
The problem with TCGR is that it is very strict in GEDCOM interpretations and wondered if anyone else was using this process to produce books.