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Mission Control/Spaces

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    Mission Control/Spaces

    I have 10 Spaces set up in Mission Control on my MBP (2 screens). I assign Reunion to Space 3 and devote 3 additional Spaces to genealogy for viewing web pages, PDFs, JPGs, etc. Other Spaces are devoted to personal finance, mail, etc. It has worked well for a couple of years. About two weeks ago, all my Spaces disappeared. I set them up again, but Reunion no longer remembers its space after quitting or booting, even though I have assigned it repeatedly (Right click its Dock icon>options and choose). Apple's apps (Numbers, Pages, etc) stay put, but not Reunion which reverts to Space 1. I have tried trashing Mission Controls library plists. Does anyone know what's going on and how to fix it? [MBP mid-2010, OS X 10.9.4, Reunion 10.0.6].

    Re: Mission Control/Spaces

    What else happened two weeks ago? Did you update the OS? Install other software? Can you think of anything?

    If you leave your Mac running 24/7, have you restarted it during those two weeks? You might consider updating to 10.9.5.
    Bob White, Mac Nut Since 1985, Reunion Nut Since 1991
    Jenanyan, Barnes, White, Duncan, Dunning, Hedge and more
    iMac/MacBookAir M1 - iPhonePro/iPadPro - Reunion14 & RT


      Re: Mission Control/Spaces

      Originally posted by Bob White View Post
      What else happened two weeks ago? Did you update the OS? Install other software? Can you think of anything?

      If you leave your Mac running 24/7, have you restarted it during those two weeks? You might consider updating to 10.9.5.
      Nothing else that I know of. I restarted a number of times trying to pin down this problem. I normally restart every 3-4 days. I'll try updating to 10.9.5 overnight tonight.


        Re: Mission Control/Spaces

        Originally posted by Lawrence E Moore View Post
        I have 10 Spaces set up in Mission Control on my MBP (2 screens). I assign Reunion to Space 3 and devote 3 additional Spaces to genealogy for viewing web pages, PDFs, JPGs, etc. Other Spaces are devoted to personal finance, mail, etc. It has worked well for a couple of years. About two weeks ago, all my Spaces disappeared. I set them up again, but Reunion no longer remembers its space after quitting or booting, even though I have assigned it repeatedly (Right click its Dock icon>options and choose). Apple's apps (Numbers, Pages, etc) stay put, but not Reunion which reverts to Space 1. I have tried trashing Mission Controls library plists. Does anyone know what's going on and how to fix it? [MBP mid-2010, OS X 10.9.4, Reunion 10.0.6].
        If you right-click on the Reunion icon in the Dock, and look at the "Options" selection, you have a choice of assigning the app to "All Desktops", "This Desktop" and "None." Have you possibly changed something in that setting?

        Hope this helps.
        John Bastin
        Researching: Bastin, Decker, Brake, Perry, Schmid, Sheppard, Matty, Fox, Orr, Eicher
        Mac OS X 10.13.4, Reunion 12.0 (Build 180502) 64-bit


          Re: Mission Control/Spaces

          Originally posted by jbastin View Post
          If you right-click on the Reunion icon in the Dock, and look at the "Options" selection, you have a choice of assigning the app to "All Desktops", "This Desktop" and "None." Have you possibly changed something in that setting?

          Hope this helps.
          As noted in my original message (Right click its Dock icon>options and choose) I've set this up more than once since my SPACES disappeared using the HELP procedure. Thanks.


            Re: Mission Control/Spaces

            Originally posted by Lawrence E Moore View Post
            Nothing else that I know of. I restarted a number of times trying to pin down this problem. I normally restart every 3-4 days. I'll try updating to 10.9.5 overnight tonight.
            OS 10.9.5 seems to have corrected the problem. Thanks.

